Hola hola everyone! Que me cuentan?
Ahhhhh I´ve been so sentimental this week! I had my last zone meeting and it totally caught me by surprise, I thought I had one more left, but nope. At the end all of the missionaries that are "ya para irse" share their testimonies. My heart just started pounding because I didn´t know what to say! I did a tiny prayer in my heart and just felt peace knowing that this definitely wouldn´t be my last testimony---I have a whole lifetime to testify of my Savior Jesus Christ!! It was pretty cool and I felt the spirit really strong, it was also crazy comparing it with my first testimony that I gave when I arrived in the field. The mission changes us so much, but for the better!
The zone conference taught me so much, it focused about working with all our HEART, MIGHT; MIND; and STRENGTH. And about enduring to the end!! There could not have been a better message for me. I´m amazed by how President always knows exactly what we need to hear.
Also, this week we FASTED and saw huge results! Sundays are always super stressful because we never know who is going to show up to church and who no, but our investigators arrived and brought their friends! It was amazing. This week was ward conference and there were a lot of prayers answered their in the chapple.
Aline is amazing and she knows that the church is true! She has had so many little answers to her prayers! Last night we had a family home evening again and she was a little more convinced about her baptismal date, and today we brought in the big guns! President and Hermana Reynoso! She´s definitely a lot more excited now. ;)
I had the best time doing exchanges with Hermana Nelson this week, she is super sweet and we had the best day together! We found a family and taught the Plan of Salvation. I looooove teaching families! It´s just so much better because they support each other.
It has been so stinking hot but I love it, I will honestly miss the heat of Cancun. And we are super blessed because we have a portable air conditioner. God loves his missionaries :)
Including a few selfies, lots of love and prayers,and wishes for a wonderful week!! Love yall!
Hermana Schwartz
PS. the green stuff on our faces is a guacamole facial #spanight